Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sprouts, pie, borscht (not in that order)

A quick and unexciting trip:
1 box sprouts (three types)
2 lbs. Carola potatoes
1 1/2 lbs. carrots
1 bunch Swiss chard
2 bags spinach
6 lbs. apples (Mutsu and Empire)
Total spent: $36

The sprouts make a pretty picture, though they pretty much taste like grass. I'm either going to hide them in smoothies, or use them to add actual nutritional value to our current addiction: sandwiches made with Tofurkey cold cuts.

What is exciting is that today I'm going to make a pie, including homemade pie crust from scratch! You may remember that my choice of store-bought pie crust induced a negative reaction in my mother; for Christmas, she gave me pastry-making supplies, so I wouldn't have to transgress so again. (It's important to understand that my mother has preternatural pie-crust-making ability, so the association between pie crust and difficulty eludes her.) Wish me luck.

In other news, I'm finishing up the batch of borscht I started a few days ago (I'm still trying to revise my recipe), and I'll be putting on a pot of chili at some point, too. And while all these things are cooking, I'm finally going to crack down and work on my application to the Natural Gourmet Institute. Fingers crossed on that, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Natural gourmet institute! Oh man, I have my stomach crossed, along with fingers and toes. That would be so wonderful for you! xo